IDAC recognizes the importance of acknowledging and learning the history of the Indigenous Nation(s) that occupy the territory in which we are born, grow, live, work, play and age. In the spirit of Reconciliation, respect and reciprocity, IDAC is committed to recognizing the impact that colonialism had and continues to have on Indigenous people and communities in Canada and is therefore committed to supporting and implementing the Land Acknowledgement not only in our events but through everyday respect and advocacy for Indigenous individuals, communities and nations.
The IDAC office is situated on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation (Band No. 102 maskêko-sâkahikan) urban reserve in Saskatoon, SK. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation signed Treaty 6 on August 23, 1876, under Chief Peteynakey (Petequakay, Petequacay). The Urban reserve, where IDAC holds physical space, was formed with the federal government and the City of Saskatoon through the Treaty Land Entitlement Trust (1992), and the Asimakaniseekan Askiy Agreement (1988). IDAC recognizes that we are guests, and we are grateful for this opportunity to learn and work on the land of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation.