What is IDAC doing for the Indigenous oral health community?

  • Mentorship

    In time, IDAC will enable reciprocal mentorship opportunities for students and providers.

  • Education

    IDAC is committed to improving Indigenous participation in the dental field, while recognizing the need for safe space in institutions for this vision to be realized.

  • Working with communities

    IDAC is committed to listening to the voices of Indigenous communities to help improve Indigenous oral health outcomes.

  • Research

    IDAC encourages member participation in research by facilitating and presenting opportunities to members interested in research. These endeavors to be guided by OCAP Principles.

  • Partnerships

    IDAC recognizes the importance of reciprocal relationships, and in the spirit of Reconciliation strives to build respectful relationships with non-Indigenous, settler oral health community.

  • Supporting Indigenous dental providers

    IDAC is here to help provide a safe environment for Indigenous oral health care providers.