Joyce’s Tooth Tales: A Journey of Courage and Wisdom (English)

  • Episode 1- Losing the First Tooth: Humility & Bravery

    Written by Dr. Kamea Aloha Leemai Lafontaine

    Young Joyce discovers her first loose tooth, accompanied by her animated Wolf and Bear stuffies who teach her valuable lessons on humility and bravery. As she nervously faces her fear, she learns that losing a baby tooth is a natural part of growing up and courageously removes it with their support. This heartwarming episode beautifully introduces the significance of Indigenous teachings through relatable childhood experiences.

  • Episode 2- The First Cavity: Honesty& Truth

    Written by Dr. Kamea Aloha Leemai Lafontaine

    Now 10 years old, Joyce feels embarrassed about her cavity. Her wise Grandma, alongside the Raven and Turtle spirits, teaches her about the power of honesty and accepting the truth. Through this journey, Joyce learns to embrace her challenges without shame and dreams of becoming a dentist to help her community, symbolizing the importance of truthfulness in overcoming life's obstacles.

  • Episode 3- The Path to Wisdom

    Written by Dr. Kamea Aloha Leemai Lafontaine

    At 17, Joyce faces the prospect of having her wisdom teeth removed. Her dentist, Dr. Sinclair, praises her maturity and growing interest in dentistry. Guided by the Beaver spirit, Joyce reflects on the wisdom she has gained and the path she wants to follow. This episode showcases her determination to pursue her dream of becoming a dental specialist, emphasizing the value of wisdom in making life choices.

  • Episode 4- A Journey of Courage and Wisdom

    Written by Dr. Kamea Aloha Leemai Lafontaine

    As a successful dental surgeon, Dr. Joyce welcomes her Grandma for an appointment, a full-circle moment brimming with emotion. The spirits of the Eagle and Buffalo highlight the themes of love and respect as Joyce reassures her Grandma. Through a poignant flashback, the deep bond between them and the strength of indigenous teachings are revealed. This touching finale celebrates Joyce's journey, her dedication to her heritage, and the love she shares with her family.

Joyce’s Tooth Tales: A Journey of Courage and Wisdom. Cree videos in succession

Joyce’s Tooth Tales: A Journey of Courage and Wisdom (French translation)