Land Acknowledgement:
The Indigenous Dental Association of Canada (IDAC) office is situated on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation (Band No. 102 maskêko-sâkahikan) urban reserve in Saskatoon, SK. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation signed Treaty 6 on August 23, 1876, under Chief Peteynakey (Petequakay, Petequacay). The Urban reserve, where IDAC holds physical space, was formed with the federal government and the City of Saskatoon through the Treaty Land Entitlement Trust (1992), and the Asimakaniseekan Askiy Agreement (1988). IDAC recognizes that we are guests, and we are grateful for this opportunity to learn and work on the land of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation.
It's essential to note that while we are a national organization, we respect and acknowledge the rich diversity of and distinctions between Indigenous communities across Canada. We do not seek to homogenize Indigenous voices and perspectives but rather celebrate and honour the uniqueness of each community's teachings and traditions. Our commitment is to foster respectful collaboration and learning from the various Indigenous nations we engage with across the country.
“Bringing the Canadian Indigenous oral health community together in the spirit of Reconciliation.”
The Indigenous Dental Association of Canada (IDAC) seeks to improve and support Indigenous oral health through community and capacity building. We strive toward empowerment and self-determination through reciprocal relationship building, supporting Indigenous-led oral health research, culturally safe oral health service delivery, and equitable policy decisions. We centre community support, knowledge translation, knowledge sharing/dissemination, and mentorship.
IDAC strives to become the healing and empowerment centre for Indigenous oral health professionals and future oral health professionals in Canada.
IDAC aspires to proportionately expand our Indigenous provider community by creating support and opportunities for Indigenous students and those interested in pursuing a career in oral health.
Our collection of Continuing Education is designed for oral health providers. Discover both upcoming and past opportunities for advancing your professional knowledge and skills.
This collection of Indigenous oral health resources is curated to empower oral health professionals. Stay current with the latest insights to enhance your practice and promote oral health for Indigenous peoples.
We are deeply committed to proactively engaging with and working alongside Indigenous communities. Together, we are dedicated to crafting effective, culturally sensitive strategies and initiatives that will lead to improved oral health.
Please feel free to contact us, we are happy to hear from you.
210-215 Joseph Okemasis Dr., Saskatoon, SK, S7N 3A8
(306) 206-2370
(306) 206-2233